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Find bitless help in your area!

NB: the  map is constantly being updated as more bitless helpers are added, so please ‘refresh’ the map to see the latest version. 

Also be sure to zoom in to your area (use the + on the map) since some areas have more than one pin and they are quite close together…

Add me to the map!

If you are a bitless advocate, instructor or riding school, please send full information to or and we will add you to the map.

Bitless Advocate

A person or organisation who is an advocate for bitless riding and who is happy to give advice, but is not an instructor.

Bitless Instructor

A person who is a qualified riding instructor and happy to offer instruction in bitless riding.

Bitless Riding School

A riding school that offers bitless tuition. bitless riding school icon




Independently verified
65 reviews