Lavandula angustifolia flores Aromatic Water – calmer & skin remedy


Lavender aromatic water is a really useful all-round skin remedy as well as a calmer for animals & humans; sprayed in the bedroom can aid restful sleep

Difference between Aromatic Water and hydrosol, floral water etc?

Aromatic Water is specifically distilled, whereas the other waters are the leftovers from essential oil distillation or even just essential oil added to water.

Aromatic waters are highly therapeutic distillates which contain the lighter essence of an aromatic plant.


Lavender (lavandula angustifolia) Flower Distilled Aromatic Water

A great calmer and skin remedy

A helpful calmer for all animals and a really useful all-round application for skin – it may be selected for insect bites, eczema, itchy skin and, being anti-parasitic, can help with sweet itch & other skin problems due to parasites.  Chamomile and/or witch hazel may also be selected in combination with the lavender aromatic water.

Lavender water is an excellent space spray for places where there is anxiety & nervousness, such as stables, kennels, vet clinics, shows etc.

In the human animal, lavender aromatic water is an extremely useful skin toner & make-up remover for any skin type, also a soothing after-shave and, when mixed with witch hazel,  is an effective after-sun and insect bite/sting remedy.  Lavender water alone, or combined with rose can be used in a spray for calming hot flushes.


The name ‘lavender’ is derived from the Latin ‘lavare’ meaning to wash, and was the herb of choice of the Ancient Romans to scent their bath water. It was recommended by Dioscorides for ‘ye griefs in ye thorax’ and was highly regarded by St Hildegarde of Bingen who recommended it for maintaining a pure character. In fact she dedicated a whole chapter to lavender in one of her books. Gerard in 1597 wrote that a conserve of the flowers with sugar was good for migraine, faintness and ‘doth help the passion and panting of the heart’. This was echoed in 1660, when Richard Surflet wrote that the distilled water of the flowers ‘restoreth the lost speech and healeth the swooning and disease of the heart’. Another reference to distilled lavender water was made by William Langham in the ‘Garden of Health’ in 1579, ‘Shred the herbe with the flowers and distil it and drink two ounces of the water to help giddinesse of the head and rub the head all over with it and let it dry by itself’. During the Middle Ages and Renaissance, lavender was the favourite strewing herb to keep off the plague. It was used to repel moths and insects.

  • handy 50 ml aluminium spray
  • 100 ml bottle
  • 500 ml bottle

Always allow the animal to choose or refuse!

Additional information

Weight N/A

50 ml spray, 100 ml, 500 ml


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